I’m a Cheapskate!
Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,
My name is Paul Lawrence.
I know the headline above sounds like an odd thing to be shouting out to the world.
People that know me personally know that I’m really a generous person on a personal basis. But, when it comes to spending money to market a business I don’t believe in spending what you don’t have to.
Ever hear the expression,
“takes money to make money?”
Guess what? That’s not always the case.
If making a lot of money without spending much sounds good to you, then please do keep reading.
On the other hand if you’re the kind of person that doesn’t feel good unless you’re spending a big wad of cash, you might as well click away because this won’t be for you.
I’m going to give you secrets that will allow you to market your business and reel in massive cash flow with risking next to nothing.
In fact, sometimes it’ll be risking actually nothing because a couple of these secrets don’t cost a penny to implement!
How do I know it’s possible to make a lot of money without spending a lot?
Because I’m talking from experience. In total I’ve created over 20 profitable enterprises and I got them all started with less than $100.
Necessity is the Mother of Invention
I started my first successful business when I was going to college and lived with my mom. Money was tight in those days. All I had was a roof over my head and three squares a day.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying I came from an impoverished family. I grew up in a decent working class single family neighborhood. It’s just that as a single mother, my mom was lucky to make enough to pay the mortgage.
So, I needed to cover everything else. I had an old car that was breaking down every other week and with a full time college schedule I didn’t have an abundance of time to earn money.
So, I had a part time job as a clerk in a video store. One day as I was getting chewed out by a customer because he had to pay a late fee, I started thinking that I had to find a better way to bring in some cash.
The next day, I was cleaning the house pool when I came up with an exciting business idea. What about if I started a pool cleaning business?
I Spent Under $50 in Marketing
Expenses and Had My Phone
Ringing That Same Day
Now, that wasn’t just one phone call I received. It was half a dozen that day. Within a week I had a business that earned three times what my part time job paid.
If you’re thinking, “well, that’s nice that a kid started making a few bucks to pay for his gas money to school,” you better think again.
Because the marketing technique I used that cost under $50 to start, helped me grow a business that brought in over $100,000 annually within the first year.
In fact, I ended up selling it for a fat profit and lived off the proceeds for the remainder of my college career without needing to do anything else but study.
The way I brought in all of that business was with Cheapskate Marketing Secret #3.
Over $100,000 a Year Without
Spending a Nickel!
Yes, you read correctly.
I started a consultant business that paid an average $2500 per job (the job usually took about 15 hours to complete, so it was pretty good pay.)
But, this is the amazing part. I brought in all of this business with a marketing technique that was totally free. (hint: no, it didn’t involve cold call selling, MLM or any other quack scheme.)
This marketing technique involves a perfectly legitimate means of finding hordes of eager new customers. It just doesn’t cost any money to do. This particular method is Cheapskate Marketing Secret #6.
I’m Going to Give You One
Cheapskate Marketing Secret
for Free
I’m sure you understand that I’m a businessman and I’m not about to give away the farm for free.
Still, it doesn’t seem right to tell you all about how much money I’ve made with these very potent techniques without sharing at least one of them.
So, here is Cheapskate Marketing Secret #9:
There are many instances in which a business entices a prospective customer to do business with them by offering them a free premium.
In other words, they give the customer a gift for doing business with them. Quite often, the premium doesn’t need to be related to your business at all. But what it does need to be is something that seems valuable.
You’re probably aware of some companies that use them. Banks have given away premiums for opening accounts for years.
There’s a lot of companies doing this because it works.
The problem is if you don’t have much capital available to acquire premiums to give to potential customers then this technique isn’t available to you.
Or let’s even say that you do have the capital to lay out on some premiums, you may not be sure that it will pay off for you.
What if I had given each new pool customer a new TV set when they signed up, but half of them canceled my service after a few months?
But, if you didn’t need to pay for the premiums you gave away, you wouldn’t have either of the above potential problems. You could afford to give away the premium even if you were broke. And, you could afford the risk that the customer you gave the premium didn’t turn out to be a profitable customer.
Other Businesses Will
Happily Provide Premiums For Free
One of my businesses that I started with a $20 investment was a ballroom dance instruction business. What I discovered was clients eagerly took a first lesson with me if they were also getting a free dinner at a nice restaurant.
It was an easy sell to the restaurant.
They coveted my “well-to-do” clientele that were upscale spenders. Since people rarely eat alone in restaurants, most people redeeming the free dinner also ended up paying for one.
So, it didn’t really cost the restaurant anything and they brought in a highly desirable new customer. It was good business for the restaurant and it was great for me.
There’s a lot more detail as to what are the best kinds of businesses to seek out free premiums from and how to go about it which I can’t possibly cover in this brief letter.
Still, it’s a very effective Cheapskate Marketing Technique that with a little ingenuity you could probably put to work quickly.
Imagine What You Can Accomplish
With Cheapskate Marketing
You can start a new business even if you’re broke.
Avoid risking capital that you might have but would put you or your family in jeopardy if you lost it.
Use the profits from your cheapskate marketing techniques to reinvest in your business and become wealthy.
Double or even triple your current profits in as little as 30 days
Make the transition to being self employed full time
Provide financial security for your family
Capture huge chunks of market share with little to no capital expenditure
Be able to call your own shots and not take orders from a boss
And really so many other amazing benefits that just can’t all be listed here.
It’s funny because I’ve been publishing small business courses for a few years now. I’ve got a number of courses on specific businesses that I’ve profitably created.
But, just recently a trusted mentor noted that the one common denominator that I have in all of my business success stories is that I obtained all the business with marketing techniques that required little to no money.
It was like a light bulb went off!
I realized that there are so many people with different businesses, it would be immensely valuable if I could create a program that broke down these potent marketing secrets so that people could universally apply them.
12 Cheapskate Marketing Secrets
So, that’s what I’ve done. The Cheapskate Marketing Program is an audio course. During the program I share the twelve powerful cheapskate marketing techniques that have allowed me to build up so many profitable small businesses with very little capital.
The great thing about a program like this is that in under an hour you could be on your way to launching some new marketing initiatives that could bring in thousands of dollars almost overnight.
These techniques have done just that for me and many others I’ve shared my system with. Listen to how well the program has worked for these folks:
D.M. started a printing company using Cheapskate Marketing Secret #2 that cost under $100 to implement and brought in $6000 worth of new business in two weeks.
A.M. used Cheapskate Marketing Secret #3 to turn his Internet business from a company that grossed $2000 a month to $20,000 a month inside a six month period.
K.H. took his start up production company from zero dollars to over thirty thousand dollars in under 30 days with Cheapskate Marketing Secret #4.
Now, these people above and the others that have benefited from the Cheapskate Marketing Program techniques actually ended up paying me many thousands of dollars because I helped them use these techniques as a consultant working for them.
The good news for you is that because I’ve now created this program that you can simply order and study on your own, I can give you these secrets for a lot less.
It’s always difficult when setting a price for programs such as this. It took me about fifteen years to develop most of these strategies. It’s my goose that lays the golden egg.
I know they work and that they’ll work for you. If I’m going to provide you with a program that should realistically bring in a minimum of a few thousand the first month and maybe hundreds of thousands over the course of the next ten years, a $500 price tag seems like a bargain.
Still, how can I possibly in good conscience sell a program that is about marketing small businesses for under $100 for five hundred bucks?
I suppose I could reasonably say then $99 would be a fair price. But, I’m thinking that if you purchase my program and make the money you absolutely should if you follow my suggestions, you’re going to make a lot of money.
If you make a fortune buying this program, then I’m going to have a customer for life. And, once you’re bringing in some substantial bucks because of me, you’ll feel like splurging on some more expensive programs down the road.
Basically, I guess I’m thinking I should make an investment in you.
Order Today For Only $39.95!
I know that this is an insanely low price for information this valuable. Truthfully, you should probably order it right this minute because this is an introductory price.
I’m not going to tell you it’ll be five hundred dollars next week, but it might be double.
They say once the insanity starts it’s hard to stop it.
I guess that’s why if you haven’t already clicked the order button, I’m going to give you a reason that will make you nuts if you don’t take advantage of this offer right now.
100% No Questions Asked
Money Back Guarantee
I’m so confident that the secrets from the Cheapskate Marketing Program will make you so much money so fast, that I’ll take all the risk.
You go ahead and order the program and try it for 30 days (plenty of time to try these simple but effective techniques). If you aren’t absolutely thrilled with the program, just mail it back to me to the address on the CD and I’ll give you a full refund.
Bottom line is this: The techniques I’m going to give you will work. They’ll allow you to bring in enormous cash flow without risking big bucks on marketing.
If you’re the serious business person I think you are, then this is a no brainer. I could go on and on and, but I’m not going to. Either you’re ready to move up to the next level or not.
I sincerely hope to hear about your successes the Cheapskate Marketing Program in the very near future.
Paul Lawrence
Click Here Now to Get the
Cheapskate Marketing Program
Before the Price Goes UP!